Here is where you can find the list of ranks and the meaning behind each one.
Boss - The leader of the city.
Consultant - The Boss's closest private council.
Under-boss - Those considered closest to the Boss, their right hand men/women.
General/Lord - Highly trusted by the Boss.
Hit-man - High ranking enforcer, usually assigned the jobs of medium to high importance.
Henchmen - Low level lackey, sent to do low to medium jobs of importance.
Informant - The inside man for the boss. The snitch behind the scenes playing the cards.
Citizen - An ordinary citizen who has no connection to the Boss in any sort of way aside from living in the city.
You can only have so many of each Rank:
Boss - 1
Consultant - 1
Under-boss - 3
General/Lord - 5
Hit-man - 7
Henchmen - 9
Informant - 10
Citizen - Unlimited
Make sure to keep track of the jobs you're doing because that's the easiest way to earn rank ups with your city's boss.
Citizen - Informant: 2 Easy Jobs, Boss Approval
Informant - Henchmen: 5 Easy Jobs
Henchmen - Hit man: 5 Easy Jobs, 5 Medium
Hit man - General/Lord: 10 Easy Jobs, 10 Medium Jobs
General/Lord - Underboss: 10 Easy Jobs, 10 Medium Jobs, 5 Hard Jobs
Underboss - Boss: 10 Easy Jobs, 10 Medium Jobs, 10 Hard Jobs, Must Defeat Previous Boss
Underboss - Consultant: Handpicked by the Boss.