Ka'lara headed downstairs to her suite. She went straight into her bedroom and grabbed an empty bag out of the bottom of her closet. She took it over to her dresser and begin pulling out articles of clothing - extra outfits plus other supplies. When she was sure she had gathered what she would need to be gone for a few days she took off out of the tower with the tiny backpack on her back. This time around she knew she was going to need more than a day's worth of training to be able to keep up with this alien kid if he was true to his word and did decide to come back...
'I'm going to need a fucking miracle...', Was what Ka'lara thought as she took the elevator down to the ground floor and walked out of Darkman Tower. She took off like a shot - not heading towards Konoha right away, but instead heading towards Sunset Isle. She wanted to talk to Amaranth - she knew the girl had merged with Mitsukai and she was curious if there was anything she also could teach her.